Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Post Graduation

I just came back from visiting my Alma Mater this past weekend for May Graduation. I know how hard you work. Half the people I knew didn't recognize me, and some even walked right past me, and (I am assuming) thought I was someone else they didn't know. I didn't realize I have changed that much. My mannerisms are still the same as well as my facial features. After consulting my Aunt, she brought to my attention that people tend to notice body image before they notice facial features, which I personally think is really sad. Since I've obviously changed that much, I wanted to post some before and after pictures of my journey (which technically still isn't finished yet)

These two photos were taken a little over a year apart. They are of my sorority sister Daniella and myself. She has changed a little as well ;). I want others to realize where I have come from. Some people throw away all their pictures from when they were overweight, but I want to keep mine for motivation. I could have deleted all these unhealthy pictures of myself, but it wouldn't feel right. I keep these to remember how far I have come, how much better I am, and to realize how bright my future is.

So here's to the new me, making positive changes and looking back on how far I've come.

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