Saturday, May 28, 2011

Walkout Push ups

These are one of my absolute favorite sculpting exercises. I guess it's used in training for football, but I had never heard of it before until I did one of my exercise DVD's. It's used mostly for a warm up, but I would use it for sculpting. I like these way better than doing normal push ups.

Walk out push ups are a variation on classic push ups, but help to increase flexibility as well. Here's how you do them:

You're going to stand with your feet hip width apart. You're going to do a forward bend, touch the ground, walk your hands down to a push-up position, push up and then walk your hands back, then stand up all the way. Look at the horizon then repeat. When you're coming down, do a push up with a full plank position, keep your body nice and strong and straight.

It's really going to warm up your upper body. It's going to warm up your whole body, but it's really to help warm up your shoulder, shoulder girdle, shoulder mobility by walking out and back with your hands. I usually do around 10 to 15 of these.

If you are unsure of what I'm talking about look at this youtube video. The guy in the video is going a kinda fast (I think the video is sped up). You should have a slower pace as not to injure yourself, but remember to keep a rhythm while doing this exercise.

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