Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Beginnings...but not the biggest loser

I am starting this blog because tons of people have been asking me about my weight loss, so might as well put it all out there for everyone to see. I'm sure most of you know me, but if not, my name is Amy. I started loosing weight when I moved to DC mid August. So far my total weight loss journey has included 85.5 lbs. I have done many things in my life, but this by far has been the most rewarding. I have found myself through this process, and am very excited to share my knowledge with others.

I will be attempting to post 2 to 3 times a week, depending on my schedule (I am a working Grad Student ;) ), but I will keep all who follow updates on things I find, nutrition advice, and exercise tools that I find useful to keep me motivated and on track. Like my title says, I am in no way a nutritionist or a trainer, but this is what has worked for me, and since people keep asking. I am sharing my advice with those around me!

Oh and if your wondering what HG means...its Hungry Girl. I love to eat, and have no problem doing it! So my nutrition advice will be items that will keep you full and feeling wonderful all around, but in a healthy way, and taste super incredible. If anyone has other advice, please feel free to input!

1 comment:

  1. How did you make your blog so beautiful? lol I need you to helpe mine. I'll be posting at least 20 healthy meals this month, so feel free to follow mine for ideas too! :)
