Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Triathlon: Ohio Women's Triathlon for the Cure 2011

I just did my first Triathlon!!! It was fantastic! I never thought I would ever say that I was a triathelete because not even a year ago this would have never been possible.

I told my close friend (almost a sister to me) Karlyn that I would do something with her before she got married (in 2 weeks might I add you). She wanted to do this. She is a great swimmer and I am a runner, so this was a compromise between both of our worlds. I had been training for a couple of months for this sprint, and now that the race is over, realize that training for something is a lot harder than actually doing the race itself. The race went well, other than a few mishaps with my bike :/, but I had the time of my life.

The race we did was the Linwood Park, Ohio Women's Triathlon for the Cure 2011. I did it in about an hour, placed 5th in my age group and 43rd overall. Not bad for my first time ;). I know I'll get even better with practice, and now I feel more comfortable on how things work in the tri world...and I got an awesome new swim cap and running/biking shirt!

At the end of the race I cried (after my breathing calmed down, and I got food in my stomach). I accomplished something greater than ever imaginable. Not many people can say they have done a triathlon. This grueling sport has taught me so much about myself and how strong I am and how anything is possible. This race rejuvenated me and I felt so alive. I will definitely be doing more Triathlons in the future.


  1. 5th? You go girl! I'm super proud of you!

  2. Thanks Britt! I worked really hard! Now all I have is the half-marathon in October and the Hot Chocolate Run (15K) that Chris Blower and I are going to be doing in Dec, and that's all for this year I hope :/
